Caliciales » Caliciaceae


Buellia De Not., G. bot. ital. 2(1.1): 195 (1846), IF:674

Typification Details:
Buellia disciformis (Fr.) Mudd 1861

The lichen genus Buellia was introduced by De Notaris (1846) and currently includes around 400 species (Jaklitsch et al. 2016). The genus is characterized by black lecideine apothecia, septate, oblong to ellipsoid, rarely citriform, hyaline to brownish ascospores and deep reddish-brown to yellow or yellowish greed to rarely hyaline hypothecium (Joshi et al. 2010).



Ekanayaka AH, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Zhao Q, Bulgakov TS 2019 – New and known discolichens from Asia and eastern Europe. Asian Journal of Mycology 2(1), 48–86, Doi 10.5943/ajom/2/1/2


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