Facesoffungi number: FoF 05850
This family includes mainly plant pathogens or saprobes. Sexual morphs are not common. Ascomata are apothecial, sessile to substipitate, erumpent and initially developing beneath the epidermis and sometimes are covered by hairs or setae. Setae are cylindrical, apically subclavate, straight or sometimes strongly curled, smooth and thick-walled and septate. The ectal excipulum is composed of cells of textura angularis to globulosa or textura prismatica to porrecta and medullary excipulum is composed of textura prismatica to porrecta. Paraphyses are filiform and apically branched. Asci are cylindric-clavate, 8-spored, non-amyloid and arising from croziers and ascospores are hyaline, ellipsoid to fusoid and aseptate (Pärtel et al. 2017, Jaklitsch et al. 2016). Asexual morphs are two synanamorphs. They are pycnidial and sporodochial. Pycnidia are brown to black, subglobose and walls are composed of cells of textura angularis and sporodochia are sessile to long-stalked and externally ochraceous to brown. Both conidiomata types of Chaetomellaceae are covered with smooth and scattered brown setae. Conidiogenesis is phialidic and conidia are cylindrical to sometimes ellipsoidal, straight to curved, often with pointed ends and 0–1-septate (Decock et al. 2005, Verkley 2001, 2002, Fiuza et al. 2015, Pärtel et al. 2017, Oliveira et al. 2014).
Notes – Most of the taxa included in this family are asexual morphs (Decock et al. 2005, Verkley 2001, 2002, Rossman et al. 2004, Fiuza et al. 2015). When both asexual and sexual morphs present, they are often covered with setae (Jaklitsch et al. 2016). Some of the Chaetomellaceae are weak parasites, which cause leaf spot disease and also attack fruits (Johnston et al. 2014).
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Encoelia furfuraceaRutstroemia tiliacea
Xeropilidium dennisii