Index Fungorum number: IF556284; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05887
Type genus – Chlorosplenium
Saprobic on well-decayed plant material. Sexual morphs: Ascomata apothecial, cupulate or discoid, sessile or substipitate, disc whitish, yellowish, greyish or greenish, receptacle yellow or greenish. Ectal excipulum composed of brownish cells of textura angularis. Medullary excipulum composed of thick hyaline cells of textura intricata. Paraphyses filiform, septate. Asci 8-spored, cylindric-clavate, amyloid. Ascospores ellipsoid to fusoid, hyaline and smooth walled. Asexual morphs: not recorded.
Notes – Previously most of the greenish inoperculate discomycetes were assigned to the genus Chlorosplenium (Dixon 1974). However, now many of them are synonymized to the genus Chlorociboria (Wang 2007). Currently around ten species are assigned to the genus Chlorosplenium (Index fungorum 2018, Jaklitsch et al. 2016). Within our phylogenetic analysis this genus formed a separate clade close to Vibrisseaceae and this clade is highly statistically supported (100%- MLBP and 1-BYPP). The sister relationship of new family with Mollisiaceae-Vibrisseaceae clade received the statistical support of 72% (MLBP).
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Encoelia furfuraceaRutstroemia tiliacea
Xeropilidium dennisii