Diplocarpa Massee , IF: 1600
Type species: Diplocarpa curreyana Massee (=Diplocarpa bloxamii (Berk. ex W. Phillips) Seaver). The deep blood-red ionomidotic reaction we observed in D. curreyana is not mentioned by Nauta and Spooner (2000a), who accepted the genus in Dermateaceae. The species is probably fungicolous, as it has been repeatedly observed growing directly on rhizomorphs of Armillaria. A blackstipitate anamorph with brown arthroconidia emerges from the common base of the apothecia, noted also by Ribollet (2002) and illustrated in MycoKey (Læssøe and Petersen 2008). Diplocarpa curreyana appeared closely related to the
morphologically similar type species of Ionomidotis.
Pärtel K, Baral HO, Tamm H, Pôldmaa K. 2017. Evidence for the polyphyly of Encoelia and Encoelioideae with reconsideration of respective families in Leotiomycetes. Fungal Diversity. 82:183–219. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-016-0370-0.
Recent Genus
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