Hymenotorrendiella P.R. Johnst., Baral & R. Galán.
Registration identifier: IF550522
Differs from Torrendiella by the Hymenoscyphus- or Calycina-type ascus apex structure and the contents of the living paraphyses comprising numerous globose vacuolar bodies.
Type:—Hymenotorrendiella eucalypti (Berk.) P.R. Johnst., Baral & R. Galán
Etymology:—refers to the phylogenetic position of this Torrendiella-like genus in a clade containing the type species of Hymenoscyphus.
Apothecia 0.2–5 mm diam., with short to long stalk, disc whitish to cream or grey, exterior concolorous or light to black-brown, receptacle and often also stalk with dark brown setae. Asci 8-spored, apex distinctly conical, apical ring staining blue in IKI (without KOH, type bb), either of the Hymenoscyphus-type: forming a thin-walled tube restricted to the lower part of the apical thickening or extending to the apex, or sometimes of the Calycina-type: tube apically thicker-walled and here laterally extending, ring basally not distinctly projecting, not forming an apical chamber; base arising from croziers or simple septa (without basal protuberance). Ascospores non-septate when mature, hyaline, straight or slightly, rarely medium curved, narrowly to broadly ellipsoid, fusoid, fusiform, or lemon-shaped (homopolar), containing in the living state some large and a few or many small oil drops (high lipid content), with a thin sheath around the entire spore that separates after discharge, sometimes with polar mucilaginous caps, overmature non-septate, spores sometimes budding ellipsoid microconidia (H. madsenii). Paraphyses cylindrical, straight, not or only slightly enlarged at the apex, containing many globose, small or large, strongly refractive, hyaline vacuolar bodies (living state), mainly in the terminal cell. Ectal excipulum comprising three layers: outer layer (ec1) one-layered, of meandering hyphae, encrusted with olivaceous to red-brown wall pigment, or hyaline and smooth; central layer (ec2) of prismatic or long-cylindrical cells, very slightly to strongly gelatinized, hyaline, rarely pale brown and encrusted; inner layer (ec3) of long-cylindrical hyphae, pale to bright brown, not or ± distinctly encrusted. Setae with dark brown, 1–3.5 µm thick wall, rooting or superficial, base unbranched or T- to L-shaped.
Habitat:—developing on fallen leaves or dead wood, or bark of angiosperms.
Further included species:—H. andina, H. brevisetosa, H. cannibalensis, H. clelandii, H. dingleyae, H. grisea, H.guangxiensis, H. madsenii.
Refererence: JOHNSTON PR, PARK D, BARAL HO, GALÁN R, PLATAS G & TENA R. 2014. The phylogenetic relationships of Torrendiella and Hymenotorrendiella gen. nov. within the Leotiomycetes. Phytotaxa 177 (1): 001–025
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