Erioscyphella aseptata
Erioscyphella aseptata Ekanayaka & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF556291; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05908; Fig. 39.
Etymology – refers to aseptate ascospores
Holotype – MFLU 16-0590
Saprobic on dead stems. Sexual morph: Apothecia 845–930 × 250–285 µm (x = 871.5 × 267.9 µm, n = 10), arising singly or in small groups, sessile or short-stipitate, cupulate, bright yellow when fresh. Receptacle flat or slightly concave, disc bright yellow and the margins white when fresh, margins and flanks covered with hairs. Hairs 65–80 × 1.8–3.9 µm (73.9 × 2.8 µm, n = 30), on flanks and margins, cylindrical, straight, thin-walled, septate, white, densely covered with colorless granules. Ectal excipulum 19.6–31.6 µm (x = 25.6 µm, n = 10) wide at margins and flanks, composed of large, thin-walled, hyaline cells of textura prismatica. Medullary excipulum composed of hyaline cells of textura intricata. Hymenium hyaline. Paraphyses 1.6–2.6 µm wide (x = 2.1 µm, n = 20), numerous, filiform, obtuse at the apex, septate, slightly branched at the base.
Asci 70–100 × 6.1–10.5 µm (x = 90.8 × 7.7 µm, n = 30), unitunicate, cylindrical, inoperculate, amyloid, short-stipitate, arising from croziers. Ascospores 28.5–45.6 × 1.8–3.5 µm (x = 37.8 × 2.4 µm, n = 40), multi-seriate, fusiform, hyaline, aseptate, row of guttules present, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, no sheath or appendages, sometimes with refractive inclusions. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Material examined – Thailand, Chiang Mai Province, Ban Mae Sae Nature Resource Park, 19 July 2015, A. H. Ekanayaka, HD029 (MFLU 16-0590).
GenBank accessions – LSU- MK591986, ITS- MK584957, RPB2- MK388223
Notes – Our strain HD029 formed an independent clade basal to Erioscyphella abnormis clade, with statistical support of 57% (Fig. 35). The ITS region of Erioscyphella aseptata is similar to that of Lachnum abnorme (FC-2172) (791/821-96% with 4 gaps). The LSU data of our strain is similar to L. abnorme (KUS-F52080) (793/797-99% with no gaps) and similar to Erioscyphella lunata (S.T. 13021602) (781/797-98% with no gaps). Erioscyphella aseptata is characterized by short-stipitate, cupulate, bright yellow apothecia covered by granulate, cylindrical hairs, cylindric, short pedicellate, amyloid asci and fusiform, aseptate ascospores. Erioscyphella aseptata is phylogenetically close to E. abnormis. However, E. abnormis and E. sclerotii differ from E. aseptata by having septate ascospores (Spooner 1987).
Figure 39 – Morphology of Erioscyphella aseptata (MFLU 16-0590 holotype) a Substrate. b Apothecia on wood. c Apothecium on wood. d Cross section of an apothecium. e Vertical section of apothecium at margins. f Cylindric hairs. g Septate, unbranched paraphyses. h–k Short pedicellate asci. l Amyloid ring at apical apex (in Melzer’s reagent). m–p Fusiform ascospores. Scale bars: b = 1000 µm, c = 200 µm, d = 500 µm, e = 150 µm, f–g = 50 µm, h–k = 40 µm, l–p = 20 µm.
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