

Facesoffungi number: FoF 05875
Saprobic on dead plant material in shallow water habitats (Redhead 1977). Ascomata are apothecial. Apothecia are clavate and stipitate. The hymenium is white to flesh-pinkish or yellow orange. The ectal excipulum is composed of cells of textura porrecta and medullary excipulum is composed of cells of textura intricata. Paraphyses are filiform, cylindrical and with yellow carotenoid droplets. Asci are 8-spored, cylindric-clavate and arising from croziers. Ascospores are fusoid to ellipsoid and straight or curved (Redhead 1977, Wang et al. 2005). Asexual morphs are not recorded.
Notes – This genus was formerly placed in Geoglossaceae based on its clavate apothecia (Redhead 1977). According to phylogenetic relationships it is currently placed within Leotiomycetes (Wang et al. 2005).


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