Neolecta vittelina
Neolecta viteflina (Bres.) Korf et Rogers, Phytologia, 2 1: 204 (1971).
Sexual Morph: Ascocarps 3-3.5 cm long, irregularly clavate, lanceolate or spathulate, usually attenuated above, fleshy, stuffed or hollow. Clavula 3-9 mm wide, smooth, rugose or subplicate, luteous to pale luteous, confluent with the stipe along an uneven border. Stipes 2-4 mm wide above, subglabrous, pubescent or tomentose, white to straw or pale luteous, tapering below and rooting, frequently rotted off. Odor and taste not distinctive. Asci cylindrical to cylindric-clavate, 53-75 µm long, 4-5.5 µm wide above, 3-3.5 µm wide below, eight-spored, lacking croziers; apices thickened but partially penetrated by the papillate cytoplasmic body; walls amyloid in Melzer's reagent after treatment in hot KOH solution; occasionally filled with numerous conidia. Ascospores uniseriate below, occasionally biseriate above, 5.5-9 x 3-4 µm, usually 7 x 3.5 µm, reniform, ellipsoid or ovoid, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, nonseptate, inamyloid, becoming conidiogenous by producing a single apical collarette from which phialoconidia are formed. Asexual morph: Phialoconidia globose to subglobose, 1.75-2 µm, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline. Hymenophore and stipe tramal hyphaeparallel to slightly interwoven, 1-5 µm wide, thin-walled, frequently septate; septa highly refractive, thickened. Oleiferous hyphae scattered, 3.5-9 µm wide, filled with dense cytoplasm, golden brown in Melzer's reagent, hyaline in water, weakly amyloid in some areas. Stipe vestiture composed of partially matted reflexed hyphal ends, 4-7 µm wide, frequently septate, hyaline; apices rounded.
HABITAT: Needle beds and moss carpets usuallyon ravine or hill slopes.
SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CANADA :ALBERTA :Swan Hills, Sept. 12, 1970, R. Edwards (ALTA 4160). BRITISH COLUMBIA: Manning Prov. Park, Lightening Lake, Oct. 13, 1973, S. A. Redhead no. AX 17 (UBC); Prince George, Sept. 20, 1968, S. G. Brough 650 (UBC). MANITOBA: 11 mi E of Beausejour, Sept. 29, 1935, G. R. Bisby and A. H. R. Buller (DAOM 7216); Novra, Sept. 18, 1969, J. Lawrence (CFB (WINFCM) 12355). ONTARIO: Cochrane Dist., Greenwater Prov. Park, 10mi NW of Cochrane, Aug. 23,1974,S.A. Redhead 1430 (TRTC 47446); Nipissing Dist., Lake Timagami, Bear Island, Sept. 15, 1930,
H. S. Jackson and S. M. Pady (TRTC 1718), Aug. 24, 1936. R. F. Cain (TRTC 10076), Gomphidius Bay, Aug. 31, 1936, R. F. Cain (TRTC 9642), Gull Lake Portage, Sept. 9, 1936, R. F. Cain (TRTC 9646), Long Point, Sept. 10, 1936, R. F. Cain (TRTC 9647), Sept. 12, 1936, R. F. Cain (TRTC 9652); Norfolk Co., Normandale Forest, Oct. 18, 1975, D. Millar (TRTC 47488); Simcoe Co., near Penetanguischene, Sept. 19, 1975, S. A. Redhead 1794, J. Ammirati and D. Malloch (TRTC 47366). QUEBEC: Chibougamau Park, S end of Lac Nicabau, Aug.19, 1976, J. Ginns and S. A. Redhead 1926 (TRTC). u.s.A.: TENNESSEE: Blount Co., Great Smoky Mts. Natl. Park, Cades Cove, Nov. 9, 1940, L. R. Hesler and S. L. Meyer (TRTC)
FIGS. 1, 3, and 4. Neolecta irregularis. FIGS.2, 5 , and 6. N. vitellina. Figs. 1 (TRTC 9645) and 2 (TRTC 10076). Asci with apical nasse. Figs. 3 (TRTC 23530), 4 (TRTC 44558), and 6 (S.A.R. 1430). Ascospores. Fig. 5 (S.A.R.1794). Ascospores producing conidia (arrow)
Ascocarps of Neolecta vitellina.FIGS.8 and 9 (TRTC 9645).
Redhead. S. A. 1977. The genus Neolecta (Neolectaceae fam. nov., Lecanorales. Ascomycetes) in Canada. Can. J. Bot. 55: 301-306.
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