Discina perlata
Discina perlata (Fr.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand., Sectio Post. (Stockholm): 348 (1849)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04212
Saprobic on soil. Sexual morph: Apothecia 3–8 cm diam., gregarious, sessile. Receptacle discoid to shallow cupulate, black. Disc wrinkled. Excipulum composed of cells of textura epidermoidea, outer cell layer pigmented and inner cells are hyaline. Paraphyses 4.5–5 µm wide at the middle, filiform, numerous, septate, slightly enlarged and rounded at the apices, with yellowish brown granular contents. Asci 70–100 x 17–20 µm, 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, rounded at the apex, non-amyloid. Ascospores 17–25 x 7–10 µm, 1-2-seriate, hyaline, subfusiform to broadly fusiform, smooth-walled. Asexual morph:
Specimens examined: China, Xin-jiang Province, Qapqal Forest, 10 June 2014, Qi Zhao HK038 (HKAS 87839). GenBank submissions: ITS: MG871303, LSU: MG871338, TEF: MG980701
Notes: Discina perlata is characterized by its discoid to shallow cupulate apothecia with wrinkled disc. Ascospores are subfusiform to broadly fusiform with apiculi and paraphyses composed of yellowish brown granular contents (Beug et al. 2014).
Morphology of Discina perlata (HKAS 87839). a Dried herbarium material, b part of excipulum, c filiform paraphyses with slightly swollen apices, d cylindrical asci, e ellipsoid ascospores. Scale bars e 10 µm, c, d 50 µm, b 80 µm
Recent Genus
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