Glaziellaceae J.L. Gibson
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04213
The first specimen of Glaziella was recorded from Cuba but was mistakenly described by Berkeley and Curtis (1869) as a Xylaria species. Later specimens were recorded from the Caribbean islands such as Grenada and Jamaica (Gibson et al. 1986). All taxa (Table 7) are hypogeous and saprobic. Ascomata are tuber-like, lobed, slightly elongate, Boedijn 1930; Korf 1958; Gibson et al. 1986). Asexual morphs are not recorded. Recent studies on Glaziellaceae include Salerni et al. (2013) and Enshasy et al. (2013).
Salerni E, Iotti M, Leonardi P, Gardin L, D’Aguanno M, Perini C, Pacioni P, Zambonelli A (2013) Effects of soil tillage on Tuber magnatum development in natural truffie`res. Mycorrhiza 24:79–87
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Encoelia furfuraceaRutstroemia tiliacea
Xeropilidium dennisii