Pezizales » Glaziellaceae » Glaziella

Glaziella aurantiaca

Glaziella aurantiaca (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1883)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04214
Saprobic on soil. Sexual morph: Truffle 1.5–5 cm diam., hypogeous, lobed, slightly elongated, hollow with an opening toward the base, pale orange. Gleba elastic to solid, whitish at first, blackish at maturity, composed ofnumerous, thin, white, branching veins. Peridium and interscal tissue composed of cells of pseudoparenchyma, peridium cells are wider than the interscal tissue cells. Asci 1-spored, unitunicate, indehiscent, globose, non-amyloid, develop within the pseudoparenchyma-lined locule in interscal tissue. Ascospores globose, aseptate. Asexual morph: Undetermined (Description modified from Gibson
et al. 1986).
Notes: Glaziella aurantiaca is characterized by tuberlike hollow ascomata, interscal tissue with locules and single spored asci with globose ascospores (Gibson et al. 1986).

Morphology of Glaziella aurantiaca. a, b Habit of ascomata, c single spored asci, d peridium cells, e pseudoparenchyma-lined locule in interscal tissue (Redrawn from Gibson et al. 1986)


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