Pezizales » Morchellaceae » Morchella

Verpa conica

Verpa conica (O.F. Mu¨ll.) Sw., K. svenska Vetensk-Akad. Handl. 36: 129 (1815)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04229
Saprobic on soil. Sexual morph: Apothecia 3–5 cm diam. and 5–12 cm high, gregarious, stipitate, superficial on the substrate. Receptacle conical to bell-shaped, smooth, shallowly folded (but not wrinkled), attached only at the centre to the stipe apex, ochraceous-brown when fresh, dark brown to black when dry. Stipe white or yellowish, smooth when fresh. Paraphyses 9–11 µm wide at the apex, numerous, brown, septate, slightly enlarge at the apices. Asci 280–320 x 16–20 µm, 8-spored, unitunicate, operculate, cylindrical, rounded at the apex, non-amyloid. Ascospores 20–25 x 10–15 µm, uniseriate, aseptate, hyaline, ellipsoid, thick-walled. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Specimen examined: China, Sichuan Province, Xiangchen County, Daxue Mountain, 20 June 2011, Qi Zhao P2 (HKAS 74017)

GenBank submissions: ITS: MG871309, LSU: MG871346
Notes: Verpa conica is characterized by its brown to ochraceous-brown conical receptacle, with a wavy margin, the cap attached only at the centre to the stipe apex (Desjardin et al. 2015).

Morphology of Verpa conica (HKAS 74017). a Habit of apothecium, b brownish, septate paraphyses, c–e cylindrical asci, e ascal apex, g ellipsoid ascospores. Scale bars g 20 µm, f 40 µm, b, c–e 50 µm


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