Cheilymenia theleboloides
Cheilymenia theleboloides (Alb. and Schwein.) Boud., Hist. Class. Discom. Eur. (Paris): 62 (1907)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04246
Saprobic on dung. Sexual morph: Apothecia 0.5–1 cm
diam., gregarious, sessile. Receptacle subglobose to discshaped, orange. Disc slightly concave to flat, bright orange. Ectal excipulum composed of yellowish, larger cells of textura globulosa to angularis. Medullary excipulum composed of yellowish to hyaline, smaller cells of textura globulosa to angularis. Subhymenium composed of hyaline cells of textura intricata. Hymenium yellowish. Paraphyses 3–4 µm wide, numerous, septate, filiform, slightly swollen at the apices. Asci 125–175 x 8–10 µm, 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, operculate and rounded at the apex, non-amyloid. Ascospores 10–15 x 5–8 µm, uniseriate, aseptate, ellipsoid, hyaline to yellowish, immature ascospores are enclosed by a two-layered spore delimiting membrane with an inner depression on side, sometimes with 1–2 guttules, mature ascospores contains 5–8 longitudinal surface ridges. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Specimen examined: China, Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou scenic Region, at 301 National Road 112 Kilometre, 22 June 2014, Yan-Jia Hao HK002 (HKAS 82899)
GenBank submissions: ITS: MG871283, LSU: MG871314, TEF: MG980685, RPB2: MG980704
Notes: Cheilymenia theleboloides is characterized by its disc-shaped, orangish apothecia, yellowish hymenium and ellipsoid ascospores with an inner depression on one side (Al-Anbagi 2014). Taxa of Cheilymenia are morphologically similar to Pseudaleuria and Wilcoxina. However, Cheilymenia differ from the other two genera by having apothecia without hairs and ascospores with guttules and longitudinal surface ridges (Boudier 1885; Yang and Korf 1985; Lusk 1987). The generic delineation of these genera is phylogenetically poorly understood.
Morphology of Cheilymenia theleboloides (HKAS 82899). a Habit of apothecia, b part of hymenium, c septate paraphyses, d cylindrical asci, e, f ascal apices, g–j ellipsoid ascospores. Scale bars g–j 10 µm, e, f 15 µm, d 25 µm, c 30 µm, b 50 µm
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