Pezizales » Pyronemataceae » Trichophaea

Trichophaea abundans

Trichophaea abundans (P. Karst.) Boud., Icon. Mycol. (Paris) 10: 124 (1907)
=Dichobotrys abundans Hennebert, Persoonia 7(2): 194 (1973)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04245
Saprobic on soil. Sexual morph: Apothecia 2 mm diam., gregarious, sessile, superficial on the substrate. Receptacle cupulate, light brown. Disc concave, paler than the receptacle. Hairs 100–180 9 4–5 µm diam., cylindrical, septate, tapering to the apex. Paraphyses club-shaped, few in number. Asci 180 x 14 µm, 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, rounded at the apex, short pedicellate. Ascospores 14–18 x 8–9 µm, uniseriate, aseptate, pale yellow, ellipsoid, smooth. Asexual morph: Colonies on SAB cover the entire dish surface after 5 days, white at first, later pale to dark ochraceous. Hyphae hyaline. Conidiophores erect, dichotomously branched conidiogenous cells at the terminal branches of conidiophores, inflated rounded cells. Conidia holoblastic, subglobose, single, sessile or on denticles, smooth-walled, pedicellate, ochraceous. (Description modified from Gremmen and Remacle 1964; Hennebert 1973; Sˇimonovicˇova´ et al. 2014).
Notes: Asexual morph of T. abundans characterized by the production of thick-walled conidia and conidiogenous cells (Sˇimonovicˇova´ et al. 2014)

Morphology of asexual morph of Trichophaea abundans. a Habit of conidiomata, b conidiophore
and conidia (Redrawn from Hennebert 1973)


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