Rhizina undulata
Rhizina undulata Fr., Observ. mycol. (Havniae) 1: 161 (1815)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04251
Saprobic on dead wood. Sexual morph: Apothecia pulvinate, dark brown to black when dry, dark brown when rehydrated. Excipulum composed of cells of textura angularis, hyaline to brown. Hymenium hyaline to yellowish. Hymenial setae intermixed with asci and paraphyses, brown, smooth, thick-walled, aseptate, slightly swollen at the apices and produce gelatinized materials. Paraphyses hyaline, smooth thick-walled, guttulate, aseptate, wide at the base, swollen at the apices and produce gelatinized materials, apices of paraphyses and hymenial setae are glued together and produce pseudo epithecium. Asci unitunicate, sub-operculate, cylindrical, long pedicellate with bifurcating base, non-amyloid, 8-spored. Ascospores hyaline to brown, ellipsoid, 1–2 seriate, aseptate, with rounded ends, smooth thick-walled, gelatinous cap present at both apices. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Specimen examined: NORWAY, Island of Vesterby, near Nordenga, Hvaler Achipeligo, on burnt ground and wood. Don Pfister, Cathy Pfister, Brian Perry, Roy Kristiansen, Karen Hansen. 20 Aug 2002, KH.02.44
Notes: Rhizina undulata is characterised by the presence of hymenial setae and ascospores with a gelatinous cap/ appendage
Rhizina undulata (KH.02.44). a Herbarium packet, b habit apothecium, c vertical section of an apothecium, d, e cylindrical hymenial setae, f, g inoperculate asci, h aseptate paraphyses, i slightly swollen paraphyses apices, j inoperculate ascus apex, k–o ellipsoid ascospores. Scale bars b, c 500 µm, d 2 mm, f–j 10 µm
Recent Genus
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