Facesoffungi number: FoF 05931
Taxa are saprobic or plant pathogenic. Ascomata are apothecial and characterized by discoid to cupulate receptacle. Apothecia are initially immersed and opening usually by splitting of upper layer into teeth or lobes with adhering host tissue. The ectal excipulum is composed of cells of textura globulosa to angularis and medullary excipulum is unclear or very thin and composed of smooth-walled, hyaline hyphae invested in mucilage. Paraphyses are filiform, cylindrical or lanceolate, sometimes apically curled, rarely branched, anastomosing and invested in mucilage or not. Asci are 4–8-spored, cylindric-clavate, amyloid or non-amyloid and arising from croziers. Ascospores are ellipsoid, fusoid or cylindric-clavate, hyaline, aseptate, guttulate, straight or curved and with or without germ slit (Xiao et al. 2005, Bellemère 1968, Crous et al. 2014, DiCosmo et al. 1984, Egger 1968, Lantz et al. 2011, Verkley 1992). Asexual morphs are pycnidial, uni- or multilocular, single to aggregated, with one to several ostioles. Walls of conidiomata are composed of textura angularis to textura globulosa. Conidiogenous cells are arising from inner layer of conidioma. Conidiogenesis is phialidic. Conidia are subcylindrical, ellipsoid-oblong or
subreniform, aseptate and sometimes with mucoid apical appendage (Bellemère 1968, Crous et al. 2014, DiCosmo et al. 1984, Egger 1968, Lantz et al. 2011, Verkley 1992, Tanney & Seifert 2018).
Notes – Bulgariaceae was previously classified within Helotiales. Later, considering its genetic and morphological relationships Bulgariaceae was synonymized under Phacidiaceae (Crous et al. 2014).
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Encoelia furfuraceaRutstroemia tiliacea
Xeropilidium dennisii